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"Those songs I know"

The connections we make are what are most important in life; those we make with people, our surroundings and nature. Our connection with nature is one of the most important values, we must respect it when we take from it and we must give back. We hold memories of people to remember them by, thinking of words they have said, places they have been and people they knew.  When we have not known them we must connect through stories, listening to how others remembered them. Kinship is vital to Ásatru, you must always look out for your neighbours, speak to those around you and listen to them. Sveinbjörn brought people together and is remembered through many people. To not know him yet know that so many did brings up a sadness and a loss yet a happiness that many other could meet him. Though I did not know him, I knew his words, I knew his songs and I knew his life.

Project Manager : Vanessa Gott

Photographer: Daniel Adesina

Videographer & 2nd photographer: Lexi Edwards

Models: Alexandra Arsene, Hannah Cherry, Chidera Anamekwe

Make up: Callyene

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